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Here are some projects I like to spend my spare time on, in no particular order:

  • acdcli is a command line tool for the Amazon Cloud Drive. More information in the README.

  • go-acd is a golang library for interacting with the Amazon Cloud Drive. It is the foundation for acdcli (see above). Work in progress, focused on read-only operations for now.

  • go-tuikit is an MVC framework for terminal applications written in golang. Has been laying around for some time, without any signifant real-world usage.

  • gradle-native-artifacts-plugin is a gradle plugin to package C/C++ native executables and libraries into artifacts publishable to Ivy or Maven, with support for transitive dependencies. More information in the README. Gradle has evolved quite a bit since I’ve last worked on this, there’s a very high chance it doesn’t work anymore.

  • gradle-android-arm-clang-plugin integrates the Android NDK toolchain (ARM, Clang-based) into Gradle to cross-compile C/C++ code. More information in the README. Gradle has evolved quite a bit since I’ve last worked on this, there’s a very high chance it doesn’t work anymore.

  • bd, the braindump manager. A convenience script to quickly capture and query any piece of information. It has become an important part of my everyday toolset.

  • My dotfiles, continuously tweaked and extended.

  • fastfind is a collection of shell functions to help find files and directories fast and makes operating on them easy.

  • homebrew-mutt is a Homebrew tap with my customizations to the mutt formula. Requires Homebrew, hence MacOSX only.

  • vim-diff-fold adds support for folding diffs in vim. I also maintain vim-matlab which is a convenience repo for MATLAB-related vim plugins to be used in Vundle or Pathogen.

The following are blasts from the past. Consider them discontinued.

  • middleman-blog-drafts is an extension to middleman-blog that adds support for drafts. I have taken over maintenance from @fgrehm. The gem is published on RubyGems. I no longer use middleman myself and have gotten reports of it breaking with current versions of middleman. Please consider it discontinued. Ping me or @fgrehm if you’re interested in taking over maintenance.

  • HealthWatch is an Android app to track health and body measurements, stored on the HealthGraph. This is a third-party application and not endorsed by RunKeeper, HealthGraph or FitnessKeeper. It is far from complete, but supports recording weight. The project was started in an Android learning group. Very unlikely that there will ever be more development on it.

  • chrome-limit-open-tabs is an attempt to cope with my compulsive tab-opening disorder. In its current state it displays a count of open tabs in the Chrome menubar. No further development going into this.

More projects and random hackeries on my github page.