Magit-delta brings Delta diff highlighting to Magit

Last update: — Initially published:

I use Magit (an Emacs mode) as convenience UI for Git. On the CLI, I appreciate the improvements of Delta highlighting over the default diff output. Yet I only recently discovered magit-delta to combine the two: have Magit display diff output with the beauty and improvements of Delta highlighting.

Figure 1: Screenshot of magit-delta on a sample sqlite commit

Figure 1: Screenshot of magit-delta on a sample sqlite commit


  1. Install Delta. On macOS: brew install git-delta.
  2. Install magit-delta from MELPA. Of course Magit is needed too.
  3. Activate with M-x magit-delta-mode inside a magit diff buffer and refresh the buffer with g or M-x magit-refresh (gr on Spacemacs). See manual on how to activate automatically.
  4. On Spacemacs, magit-delta is part of the git layer. Enable it automatically with:
    (setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers
                    ;; other layers
                    (git :variables
                         git-enable-magit-delta-plugin t)
                    ;; other layers

See all posts in the archive.


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